Extensive wine menu

Some leaf through a wine list, others through a WINE BOOK!

The Gospel of any wine waiter, the playground of any connoisseur, a tasting challenge for any aspiring amateur. In the premium product category, we bring you the large guestbook but also the extensive wine menu. With such an asset, the wine waiter can proudly showcase his cellar’s treasures and confidently advise the guests at the table. This superb binder with hidden screw-posts and a leatherette cover reconciles good looks with sturdiness. Any wine waiter will be bursting with pride when handing over such a wine book to customers. If you should, for instance, choose a golden leaf embossing, the print will be so appealing that any customers will feel compelled to run a finger on the front page, if only just once!

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Should you have any questions… or simply prefer the easy path?

Make an appointment with a Publica advisor! This meeting entails no obligations on your part and our advisor is versed in ALL the options, even if he does not know it yet!